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Congress Party has no chance to repeat old mistakes in new India

For past 100 years, India ran on two paths, first Gandhian way and then psuedo Gandhian way led by Nehruvian fundamentals. While both ways of living life were good in perfect conditions, they were total crap in the current context of inter-state conflicts, competition and bullying. Gandhian way had so strong influence on ordinary Indian that it created a big identity crisis. Except for Indira Gandhi in 1971, Gandhian way has just created a big laid back, stupid peace loving monster out of Indians and Indian politicians. I don't want to say more about the hypocritical use of  which could be a very personal way of living life of Gandhi by Indian politicians and it's imposition on common Indian with disastrous impact on his psychology but I would like to stretch one point that creation of such psychology created long term consequences to Indians such as losing Kashmir to Pakistan, losing Aksai Chin to China and self denying of membership of UNSC seat. Indians have paid the price of selfishness of Gandhian  and Nehruvian policymakers. 

India's failure to set it's mark in global politics, continuous slaps by Pakistan and no respect from any country in the world including it's best friends are the outcomes of these policies which were consistently burdened on Indian minds. Indians are like God Hanuman who forgot their capabilities and  needed a Jaambuvant to recall them. However, since 2014 we have changed our path by putting more and more influence on global politics and not just reacting but strongly responding to hostile nations. The idea is to regaining glory of being a very powerful nation.

Today, India's response to Pakistan led terror attack in Pulwama is the reflection of a shift from Gandhian policies to a recognition of a powerful country. While being powerful doesn't mean that we are irresponsible it also doesn't mean that we could be a lame duck, showing ourselves in a bad light while hiding behind the curtains of peace, restrain and patience even if we see disastrous 26/11 or Parliamentary attack. India's new found search for it's powerful place in global politics has also been supported by current large global powers such as the US, the UK, France, Russia and Japan. 

Power comes with a responsibilities of creating an echo system that will keep the country powerful for long term. Learning from history, throwing stupid policies like I will put my another cheek if you hit hard the other one and creating strong response framework which would work even after change of political leaderships or political parties. Historically, Indian Congress party has proven that it follows majority wave so take a case of Shahid Bhagat Singh and change in Congress Party's stand in favour of full independence. Therefore, India's new found response framework on Pakistan's aggression is here to stay considering people of India are now more demanding after Pulwama attack and no way in mood to listen to crap of peace and Pakistan love.

Now as said or not said, Mahatma Gandhi is restricted to Swachch Bharat Abhiyaan (Clean India Movement) while Sardar Patel has taken over the policy making, so be it BJP or Congress, I don't know about 3Ms.
